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Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel Biography

h1> Bishop Mari Mari Emmanuel Stabbed During Religious Service

Prominent Assyrian Christian Cleric Named Mar Mari Emmanuel Attacked in Wakeley New

Man Known by Birth Name Robert Shlimon is Leader of Christ The Good Shepherd Church

Bishop Mari Mari Emmanuel, born Robert Shlimon on July 19, 1970, is an Assyrian Christian cleric and the Bishop of Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley New South Wales. On Monday night, Bishop Emmanuel and several worshippers were stabbed during a service at the church.

Bishop Emmanuel is the leader of the Ancient Assyrian Church of the East Classical Syriac and gained prominence during the COVID-19 pandemic for his outspoken views on public health measures.

The stabbing incident is currently under investigation by local authorities, and no arrests have been made. The motive for the attack is unknown.

Bishop Emmanuel is a respected figure in the Assyrian community and is known for his work with refugees and asylum seekers. He has been a vocal advocate for peace and reconciliation in the Middle East.

The stabbing of Bishop Emmanuel has shocked the Assyrian community and beyond. Prayers are being offered for his recovery and for the safety of all those affected by this senseless act of violence.
