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Animated Gifs In Email Examples

Optimize Images for Email: A Guide for Improved Engagement

The Importance of Image Optimization

In today's email-driven world, images play a crucial role in capturing attention and conveying messages. However, oversized or poorly optimized images can not only slow down email delivery but also trigger spam filters and affect deliverability rates. To ensure your email campaigns achieve maximum reach and engagement, it's essential to optimize your images effectively.

WEB 1: Optimize GIF File Size for Email

GIF files are widely used in email marketing because they support animation and can be transparent. However, large GIF files can significantly increase email size and compromise delivery. By using image optimization tools, you can reduce GIF file sizes without compromising image quality. This helps ensure faster email delivery and improves user experience.

WEB 2: Make the First Frame the Most Important Image

In animated GIF emails, the first frame is the still image that recipients see before the animation starts. This frame serves as the first impression and should convey the most important message or image. By optimizing the first frame, you increase the chances of engaging recipients and encouraging them to play the animation.

WEB 3: Email Killed the Video Star...

While videos can be impactful in email campaigns, they often fail to play due to compatibility issues or bandwidth limitations. This can lead to frustration among recipients and a decrease in engagement. Instead, consider using animated GIFs as an alternative to videos. GIFs typically play automatically and are supported by most email clients, ensuring a more consistent user experience.
